How can you increase your Alexa rank? Alexa is a ranking system based on the level of traffic a website receives from people with the Alexa toolbar installed.And here's the tips for you.

You may want to increase your Alexa rank because advertisers, ad networker's use it as a gauge to determine the popularity of your blog. So if you are someone who is making money from advertising, you would definitely want to increase your alexa rank as it helps you bargain for an ad price. Sites like determines review price based on your Technorati rank and Alexa rank.

Increase Alexa Ranking

1. Download Alexa toolbar free. If you are using Firefox, I recommend you to use another plug-in called Search Status which not only displays the Alexa rank but it also shows page rank details, no follow links, meta tags, keyword density of a page etc. in this category you'll find more intuitive toolbar,you can manage your blog/site with this tool.also you can find some social media link button so you will helpfull if you are social community lovers such as Facebook or yahoo groups, this will manage your time than you must write any social address link in your search bar.

2. Put an Alexa rank widget on your blog. Each click will be counted as a visitor.
In this category Alexa will help to increase your rank in every single click to your blog will be counted as a visitor.Even your not opening your blog in full mode this will count as a visitor too. e.g your opened your blog in just 10 second this will counted.

3. Encourage your friends or colleagues to use Alexa toolbar. 
 Explain them to put the tracking system of the toolbar.Ask them to rate your Alexa website profile.with this tricks your site or blog will have a personality and trusted.This helpfull to promote your site and have colleague feedback. More readers will come if they seen you have trusted site with others.Good rating will increase you siterank easily

4. Try to get digg or stumbled. 
 This will bring massive amount of traffic to your site and contributes a lot to your Alexa rank. Traffic absolutely pointed to make your site popular and visible.More traffic more rank so get digg , stumble, social media, news site, groups and forum will brings you more traffic don't forget their popularity, they have thousand visitors daily.

5. Write content related to webmasters. This is because most of the webmasters use Alexa toolbar.

You may write and post articles related to SEO, webmaster tools. Webmasters always look for new tools and may revisit your website to gain access to the tools. Promote your articles on webmaster forums and social networking sites. Just keep in mind great article will bring more readers to your site, so making a good quality content is a must.

if you have trouble on how to writing article content,this small tips maybe helpfull.Do what you can do,if you love in gardening and know_how_to_do something about it, this "how_to" idea is your goldmine.

6. Buy links and banners from webmaster forums. A well displayed ad can bring lots of webmaster traffic to your site and boost your rank. But you need to have unique and good content on your blog to attract more and more visitors.

This cost not cheap! some easy tricks if your'e not yet using Google Adsense in your site, you can make your own banner to promote it in traffic media. you can signing as an free member on Trafficswarm, Easy Hits4u or another PTC Site.

Generate your credit by doing the job and convert it with your banner site or your link site this will brings you traffic. Trust me ,with this small tips you will have skill and experience to manage your site,it simply worth it when you spent 1 hour to go deeper in trafficswarm or Easyhits4u .This will blown your mind on marketing strategy,i know the marketers who failed and spend $100 daily to bought traffic and he got nothing, just traffic it self and no experience.

7. Write about Alexa and post in your blog.

Bloggers love to know about different ways of increasing their Alexa rank.This may eventually increase traffic and your rank. Just like what i say on top,Trusted site will brings more quality and loyal readers to your site.

8. You may try Alexa autosurfs for a new site or blog. They may work for new sites having almost zero Alexa rank. But they are not a long term solution.

In any conditions forums like Yahoogroups will helpfull to find more source about traffic,you can adding any questions too this will help .Using some old trick like put your linksite in your body email everytime you sent to your partner or friend will works. All you do is making a point that your link site is not an affiliate link, trust me they will open it!!

And that's how to improve your Alexa, any new tricks? come on, let me know it from you....

1 komentar

  1. Sony // 2/07/2011 10:41 AM  

    Nice info i will do it...

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