After a long research, finally the Microsoft release Windows 7 as well. Which is the replacement for Vista OS and its friends. A step that far enough to see Windows performance. Seen that Microsoft does not want to drop behind again in the affairs of the update and upgrade has been handed down through several generations until finally released Vista OS is a fairly significant the technology platform was carried in the generation of new windows 7.
A grant number of data that already old, finally was forced off to improve this performance of Windows 7. Most of them waste and renew in order to boost strength and speed to peripherals of Windows many kind of the latest drivers also injected to enhance the performance. So how good is the performance of windows 7?
From the obtained data, Microsoft was anticipated from the beginning by doing a research series and general pre-test before the OS Windows 7 is actually released, and the result was found thousands of bugs and error code that can be minimized until windows 7 really passed of high-level test. With the process of manufacturing with a low power consumption, stable, and user friendly,even the Windows 7 is still in the Beta version, Windows 7 was more intense as a new weapon from Microsoft to dominate the market in the world of digital computing.
Who knows, when Windows 7 on store release,So many team in microsoft have started their engine to build the next super OS System and as a blend of next Windows project will lower the level heat of power consumption, environmentally friendly, efficient and of course with new technology in process along the development to increasingly lightweight processor will make Windows 8, is required in your target list next two years ....
Hi Thx for comin , yup dah dicoba tuch... emang mantabs performanya....